Full-Time RVer Stories RSS
We became RVers when Kelley’s work relocated us to Atlanta, GA. We decided why not give tiny living a try. We found a beautiful campground near his work and being empty nesters it’s worked out great. Kelley works for General Motors. He has been with them for 30 years. I, Renee used to work for […]
This is a two-part story for us, so I should start by giving a little bit of our backstory. We had done some long-term international travel as a family with an old job of mine (Andy). While we were living abroad, we fell in love with exploring and experiencing new places. We found that Kristen […]
The post Collecting Adventures : Andy and Kristen first appeared on Open Road Chronicles: The Full-Time RVers Blog.Katherine and I (Mason) have had the idea of full-time RVing since 2017. Katherine had recently graduated from nursing school (BSN, RN) and had almost a year of experience. We had met and lived in Ft. Myers, Florida for about 6 years when we decided we wanted to see the remainder of the U.S. and […]
We started full-time RVing with our two kids because we wanted to spend more time with them. We knew we could work anywhere with a cell signal so we decided to make the most of our time together. We created a whole planning process to take our life from full time living in our 4,000 […]
The post 50 States In 50 Months: Trina And Jon first appeared on Open Road Chronicles: The Full-Time RVers Blog.It’s An interesting Story Actually… We talked about it off and on for over 2 years before hitting the road. We just want to see the country, save some money, and go on adventures. We actually moved into the trailer for my maternity leave. Instead of being cooped up at home we traveled all over […]