Full-Time RVer Stories RSS
We chose this lifestyle because we love traveling, chasing new experiences, and connecting with people across the country! We were sick of the mundane 9-5 work week and the unchanging scenery that our old lives were providing. So, after a little research into a new and exciting option, we stumbled upon the lifestyle of full-time […]
We have had an RV for years and we were “weekend warriors”. We always dreamed that “someday” we would head on the road full time. But it really felt just like a dream. Chelsea had some changes happen in her job that led to her looking for a new one. That search for a new […]
As a military family, we can expect to move every few years. While living in California we purchased our first home and when the Navy sent our family to Mississippi we put our house on the market and headed for the Gulf Coast. Unfortunately, after we left, the house flooded, had to be taken off […]
The post In Pursuit of Moments : Deziree and Michael first appeared on Open Road Chronicles: The Full-Time RVers Blog.I have always loved going on adventures and dreamed that one day we could raise our children to love traveling as well. Once we had our children, we started talking about living on the road full time so that we could go wherever we wanted and the kids can learn to love nature and explore […]
My fiancé Michael Duffy and I started full-time RV’ing for his job, he’s a corporate bankruptcy director and travels all over the world, but primarily in the US/Canada. Before traveling, I was a special education teacher. I taught kindergarten through 3rd-grade exceptional learners. I loved my job! It was hard to leave but the opportunity […]
The post Happy Place In Our Tiny Space: Michael and Hailey first appeared on Open Road Chronicles: The Full-Time RVers Blog.