Full-Time RVer Stories RSS
Let’s Travel the World We took a road trip in my aunts pop-up camper and fell in love with the lifestyle. We kept joking about what if we did this full-time? We had no idea there were a ton of people who were doing it until after this trip and seeing all of them encouraged […]
The post 188sqft With Mandy And Kevin first appeared on Open Road Chronicles: The Full-Time RVers Blog.We started full time RVing because we wanted to travel and see as much of the world as possible, starting with our own country. We wanted to expose our kids to as many opportunities as possible and show them what the world has to offer. We wanted to teach our kids to appreciate nature and […]
Our full-time beginning started a year after our youngest daughter left for college. We went on our first 9 day vacation without our kids. While on vacation we were able to spend a lot of time talking about our future as empty nesters. We realized that we spent so much time working for our dream […]
The post Opting Out Of Normal first appeared on Open Road Chronicles: The Full-Time RVers Blog.