Full-Time RVer Stories RSS

Full-Time Weekend Warrior Kerisa Kielea>

My dream is to full-time RV. Travel is my life and it’s when I’m truly happiest. I feel my shoulders relax and a grin come across my face when I’m towing my teardrop trailer with an open road ahead. My boyfriend and I are currently working the grind (8-5 day jobs) with hopes of turning […]

The post Full-Time Weekend Warrior: Kerisa Kiele first appeared on Open Road Chronicles: The Full-Time RVers Blog.
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Mobile Millers- Changing Our Perspectivea>

We started RVing on accident really. We rented out our house and wanted to travel, but we needed a place to stay when we came back home, so we bought a camper and named her Norma. I knew all along she would come with us, my husband just didn’t know;). So basically it wasn’t so […]

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