Full-Time RVer Stories RSS
We started full-time RV’ing because we wanted to save money for our forever home. We haven’t traveled in our RV, we are actually stationary. I’m a Realtor, I love my job and Jason runs a Wood Floor Company. We had no clue we would fall in love with the lifestyle at the same time. We […]
Adam being military, we have spent a good portion of our marriage living apart, while simultaneously moving every six months to a year. The RV gave us the opportunity to have a home, and stay together. Basically, I was tired of white walls and beige carpets and wanted to follow him around like a stage […]
We are the Bakers! Ross, Jessica, Finnegan (4), and Hazel (2). We also have four cats that travel with us! We started toying with the idea of RVing full-time several years ago. We both love to travel and wanted our kids to have the opportunity to see and experience as much as possible. We were […]
The post Exploring As A Family: Ross and Jessica first appeared on Open Road Chronicles: The Full-Time RVers Blog.A few years ago our lives got turned around. In a short span of time, we went from stay-at-home Mommy to stay-at-home Daddy. This was hard for my husband Garrett and for the next couple of years, he was forced to accept the new role. He was missing being able to travel and being active […]
When we are asked about our full-time story, the beginning is always the hardest to tell. It is layered and complicated. Like a lot of couples, we had corporate careers and were working more hours than we were spending with our children. We were successful in our jobs and were rewarded for our hard work, […]