50 States In 50 Months: Trina And Jon

We started full-time RVing with our two kids because we wanted to spend more time with them. We knew we could work anywhere with a cell signal so we decided to make the most of our time together. We created a whole planning process to take our life from full time living in our 4,000 square foot home on 6.5 acres to selling it all taking our family around the country to visit 50 States in 50 Months. We have also taken 2 trips to Europe and our kids are learning Italian, German, and Spanish. The world is literally our classroom!
Our Rig For The Road
We have a 34-foot long Wildcat Fifth Wheel we tow with our GMC Truck. We love the ability to be able to leave our rig and drive to visit museums, parks, local libraries, grocery stores, national monuments, beaches, and more!
The biggest adjustment to us while RVing is being super organized. Everything has to be put exactly where it goes every time since extra space is not a luxury we have anymore. Also, we do miss our big leather recliners, but we are way more active and make great use of our outdoor lounge chairs under the stars.
Helping Others With Our Knowledge
Before traveling, we would work with high-end clients in person, doing one on one personal success coaching for life transformations. We both have our backgrounds in running start up to six-figure businesses, educational consulting, coaching, and training.
Traveling full time, we found a huge need for people wanting to work on the road and have flexibility and time freedom. We created a program to teach people their purpose, then help them create a family friendly business to meet their specific goals and needs. It is such a fulfilling job we are passionate about and we sell our online courses and support with small group coaching using zoom.
Our Favorite Moments On The Road
Our favorite experience on the road so far has been taking our family crabbing in Oregon and having campfires on Cannon Beach. We also really enjoyed wintering in South Padre Island and fishing at Pirate’s Fishing Pier.
I think the craziest moment we have had so far was leaving our home and me following my husband and children who were driving ahead of me as I followed them in my car to the dealership where we sold it on our way out of town. We also had to replace our entire show basin so that was quite a fix-it job on the road. Thank goodness I married Mr. Fix it!
We Love Helping Others Find Their Freedom
Many people want to find work on the road and if you create your own business and do it early on, you will have a reliable income while traveling that you can grow throughout your adventures. If you’d like to get our free downloadable book to having more time, money, love, and freedom, you can download it here and learn more about what we do.
(There are always people to connect with and we can teach you how to share your message and story to attract your ideal clients.)
My favorite business coaching call moment was while we were in Yellowstone and I just traveled 15 minutes outside the park to do my 2-hour business call, then went back to hiking with my family. Being my own boss is the best!
Half Way There
We are half way into our 50 States in 50 Months Tour! So, 2 more years for us. Then, we hope to buy our next property and build our next home. Debt free with room for our friends and family to visit and raise our animals and garden.
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