Travel Log of Justin & Joelle RSS
Once we decided to leave North Carolina, we wanted a big change in scenery, the choice was obvious to us and we headed to the mountains in Dandridge, TN.
On to our next adventure where we stayed in Amarillo and experienced Texas for the first time. Originally we were going to stop in Oklahoma, but we decided to skip that state and head for big old Texas. Staying at Amarillo Ranch RV Park We ended up in Amarillo and planned on staying at this […]
The post 48 Hours in Amarillo, Texas first appeared on Open Road Chronicles: The Full-Time RVers Blog.Traveling to Little Rock Arkansas was an adventure in its own, since neither Justin nor myself had lived or been anywhere other than the East and West Coast’s of the United States. I have to say even though Arkansas was one of our shortest stops, since we had only stayed there for two days, we […]
Anyone who travels wants to experience the world in many different ways. One of those ways is by meeting all types of people. It’s the best way -in my opinion- to develop an understanding of the world around us we never really have the chance to know. I have grown so much these last three […]
When Justin and I decided to travel the United States in an RV, we knew we would have a lot of first’s. The biggest thing we were excited for was going to our first RV park! We agreed on leaving Virginia and heading to North Carolina to Raleigh Oaks RV Resort. We had no idea […]