Travel Log of Justin & Joelle RSS
The most frequently asked question we receive is, how do we travel in an RV with a baby. Its a lot easier than people think. Our friend Kali, with The Freedom Theory, says our little ones are perfect for traveling because they are travel size. That is the best way to explain it. How Do […]
We did it! Justin and I are back on the road traveling in an RV. This time with our sweet little Emma. It has been a long journey of waiting and dreaming. We knew we wanted to travel again right when we stopped. It was just a matter of how to get back on the […]
Everyone has places they wish to see. We all dream of the most beautiful and breathtaking locations. It’s still beyond me how lucky Justin and I are to have the capability to live the RV lifestyle. Without Justin, I wouldn’t have thought it was possible for me to make an RV our home. Now with […]
In the town of Hillsboro, Oregon Our decision to live in Hillsboro, Oregon was not a hard one. We knew we wanted to go to a colder state, we both had never really thought of Oregon before and jumped at the opportunity since it was just one state above us. From there we chose to […]
Traveling is an adventure in itself. You have so many things to experience, whether it’s with your spouse, children or just you being a bad-ass as soloing across the United States, but to have the opportunity to see anyone you want at anytime of year is a true blessing. Justin and I are very thankful […]
The post Family in Mora, New Mexico first appeared on Open Road Chronicles: The Full-Time RVers Blog.