Full-Time RVer Stories RSS
We wanted to expand our horizons, see and share more together. Show our kids there is more to life and that it is okay to take risks. This experience is just as much about learning about ourselves as it is about traveling and wonder. We see this as an investment in ourselves, our marriage, our […]
The post Finding Bliss On The Backroads: Stacey and Jeremy first appeared on Open Road Chronicles: The Full-Time RVers Blog.Roger and I are travelers at heart. We met in South Korea where we taught English for a few years, before moving to North Sumatra where we stayed for a couple of years and then Fort Wayne, Indiana. A few years ago we were sent to Sedona, AZ with a ministry we were working for […]
We’ve always wanted to travel and experience life outside of the 9-5 office gig and felt that this was the most economical and practical way to get on the road quickly. Our motto was “Go small and go now”. We paid off all of our school debt and eventually saved enough money to where we […]
I have always loved going on adventures and dreamed that one day we could raise our children to love traveling as well. Once we had our children, we started talking about living on the road full time so that we could go wherever we wanted and the kids can learn to love nature and explore […]
We realized we wanted to go full-time when every time we went out for a weekend camping trip we never wanted to go home! We felt trapped in our apartment and unhappy stuck in an area we didn’t want to be in. The same day to day grind was wearing us down and we were […]
The post A Life Filled With Adventure: Dee And Nate first appeared on Open Road Chronicles: The Full-Time RVers Blog.