Getting Back to The Open Road

How we went from having an RV, to living in apartments in different states, and our adventures to wanting to live the RV life again. We’d love if you’d share a comment at the bottom of this post too because it motivates us to write more!
Why We Stopped RVing
For over a year, Justin and I experienced life in our home on wheels and loved every minute of it. So why did we stop? Well life happened and our truck needed some major repairs. It would cost us a lot more than what we could afford, so we became stuck in Vacaville, CA.
We lived on a piece of land that a friend of ours thankfully let us use, but sadly we had no shower and had to get a gym membership just for basics and such. You could ask us, “Well why didn’t you go to an RV park?” good question. We did. California is very expensive, especially when you need an RV park with specific things. To us we didn’t get a bang for our buck.
With the struggles of us living in an RV that wasn’t livable and not having enough to fix it or get another home on wheels, we decided to say good bye to the RV life and get an apartment in CA.
Our Adventures After Leaving the RV
California, Oregon, Florida
You now know why we left. Here is what happened after we decided to live in Apartments and travel.
California was expensive, whether we chose to live in an RV or apartment, so moving away wasn’t even a question when the time came. We never truly felt connected in CA. Yes it has family and has amazing locations with places to experience, but it just wasn’t the state for us. That’s the best part of being a travel bug, isn’t it? We can go anywhere we wanted to and call that home. So we decided to wander over to the green state of Oregon.
Oregon was a much better experience for us with traveling, expenses and outdoor adventures. The best parts about Oregon is the activities were available usually at all times. The weather never stops the Oregonians who want and crave some nature. This led us to be more passionate with our surroundings. With that said, having most of the year freezing cold with no vehicle other than a motorcycle, was quite challenging and caused a few unhappy moments for us. Oregon was also the state we made the most friends in, unfortunately we had to leave behind, which is hard no matter the amount. I think being with these people for a year and developing these friendships and having experiences with really changes how to say goodbye to someone.
Florida became our next destination for many reasons, but mainly being in a warm state after a very long snowy winter and being on the East Coast. Now I can only say so much about this state, since its been just a few months, but what I can say is “if you are near the ocean it makes the heat bearable and it doesn’t get incredibly cold here”, which I’m sure most people know that about Florida already. The beach is our favorite down time, since it’s only 20 Minutes away. There are some restaurant locations near the beach with great views and activities to do that we have had the pleasure of enjoying. With all that said this state isn’t the one we want to live in permanently. We can’t stay in one place to long and traveling to three different states in a year and a half really shows us how much we love traveling still.
Where We Saw the Benefit of Traveling With an RV vs. With Apartments
Obviously, traveling is a process in an RV or into an Apartment. It is our decision on which way we want to travel. Justin and I already agreed on basically never stopping our adventures, so to us it seems like the right thing to do for our sanity, is to get an RV and have our home on wheels. Apartments are nice to have, but we have found that even with having a small apartment we have clutter that we wouldn’t have in an RV, since the space you have in one is limited. Not only do you become a natural at minimizing your home essentials, you also don’t have to literally pack everything up when you want to go to a new location with an RV. RVs are made for traveling with mostly everything in its place already.
Another big reason we have chosen to travel in an RV again is… We are having a baby! A baby girl this coming February to be exact. Our take on life is that you can’t wait to do something when it’s convenient or expect to understand the world in one set location. We want our little girl to have the opportunity to say she has had those opportunities. Some people feel as if you need a stable location or you must settle down now that they are expecting a child. NOPE! Not with us! A home is a home big or small, cemented to the ground or rolling down the road.
Whats Next Now That We Want to Go Back to RVing.
Lets get an RV should be the obvious guess. Justin and I plan on getting an RV once our baby “Emma” is born and once our lease is up in about 9 months. Seems like such a long time, but we are anxiously waiting to get back in the swing of living on the open road again. With a baby this time, traveling the world will be a whole new experience on what to look for in a home on wheels and what we want in an RV park. So our next step is to see what we want and need. We have over half a year to find what we want and every minute counts.
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