We Are Officially Full-Time RVers!

The transition to full-timing in an RV hasn’t been easy but it’s been an experience we’ll never forget. Find out how we were able to get rid of most of our belongings and step into the world of full-timing with open minds.
Our Transition to Full-Timing
It’s pretty intense how quickly our lives have changed over the last few months.
Our biggest step was getting rid of everything we owned, moving out of our townhouse and taking the leap into full-time rving. To think that we were able to downsize so drastically blows my mind.
It NEVER Snows Here – It Must Be a Sign!
But beyond anything, the best part is that we had a sign telling us that this is the right direction. We had a propane leak, couldn’t use the furnace and were relying on 2 small heaters during our first day.. and then the weather reported that it was going to snow… SNOW… here?!
It never snows here!
Propane Leaks & Rushing Galore
I had to quickly figure out the propane leak, get the furnace running and prepare the RV for when Joelle got off work, that way we could start living comfortably on our first night.
Luckily, it didn’t take me long and we were in business! The propane leak was resolved (using a propane detector I found at Home Depot for $25 and gas line tape), furnace was running smooth and we had just enough time to get back to the RV before the snow started coming down heavy. It was perfect timing for a new lifestyle choice.
Organizing and Loving Our New Lifestyle
Right now we’re putting things away, organizing our new living space and have already had a few lifelong experiences in only the first 2 days! We have a few more steps before we can start traveling, but we’re getting there! Life is good.
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