The Future of Remote Work and It’s Impact on Full-Time RVing

It’s my personal belief that in the future a high % of people will work remotely or as traveling employees, resulting in a drastic increase the amount of people full-time RVing due to the ability to travel.
It’s because of this that I’ve decided to devote a big part of my life to the community – it’s going to explode further than we can even imagine.
Fully remote companies are growing rapidly
I know this might be hard to acknowledge today, but I have a gut feeling that this lifestyle/work environment is going to become MUCH more common across the world, especially as artificial intelligence, automation and full on autonomy come into play.
In fact, everyone on my team at Business Optimizer works remotely at cafes, in their home, and in RV’s around the world and I can tell you.. they’re all interested in traveling.
We’ve been in business for a little over a year and in that time the following has occurred:
- My wife, Joelle, and I have moved from California, to Oregon, and now Florida, with her able to be a barista at Starbucks.
- One of our team members immediately moved to another state, shortly after she moved again. Now she’s in another country, still able to work.
- A developer traveled with his dad from the United Kingdom to Malaysia and back, all while still being able to work.
- Our writer stays at home with her 3 kids, she’s not traveling but she is working remotely raising her beautiful kids on a mountain in the middle of nowhere.
- Two of our interns have moved or traveled from state to state, with no interruption of their work/learning.
Aside from my team, I’ve talked with homeowners, people who live in apartments, condos, even those that live with their parents. When I’ve asked… “If you could travel or move without it negatively impacting your finances, would you?” almost everyone says, “Absolutely, I’m ready for change.”
This can be hard to digest, but it’s approaching
Today, we are in a very physical world. We, as humans, drive trucks to ship products, are cashiers at grocery stores, provide landscaping services, cook food for each other at restaurants, and this isn’t going to change tomorrow. We’re still going to be doing these things for years.. but it’s in my belief that most of these jobs in my lifetime are going to be replaced.
We’re moving into a new way of life and it’s approaching fast.
Members of “Full-Time RVers” on Facebook make some wonderful points
Andy Fenster believes it will have a great impact on the economy, “Truth. One of the biggest things that is holding the economy back from growing faster is not having enough of the right workers with the right skills in the rights places. Remote work is a natural solution to this and I have noticed a significant increase in the quantity and quality of remote jobs available over the last two years.”
Jay Merritt has felt passionately for remote since the 90’s, “I guess I was on the cutting edge of this movement. I worked remotely 25 years ago. I’ve always imagined ‘office’ headquarters as nothing more than conference rooms and reception. This would reduce parking expenses, utilities, insurance, traffic, maintenance, lease expense… Some people are not introverts like me, so it would not be suitable for everyone.”
Rick-Karen Bennett makes a great point about internet, “I think the only limitation to working remotely is the lack of quality high speed internet access everywhere across the country. Solve that problem and working from the road will definitely explode!”
Don Childers points out it’s not just remote workers, “Working remotely is only 1/3 of the equation. Construction workers are finding the RV life works well for them to move from job to job, and the advent of driverless cars means that more people will be able to continue traveling later in life than they do today.”
Frank Cannon see’s an opportunity here, “Might be a good time to invest in an RV park. They’re getting harder to find and more expensive due to supply and demand. I’m a Node/React/Angular developer and my wife is a traveling nurse and we are currently full time. Campground rates are quickly approaching the cost of a mortgage in several areas.”
Delia Coffey shows how customer service is changing, “I work remotely. I am really excited to travel and fortunate to be able to work at the same time. When you call a company’s customer service or email or chat, they may be sitting in their home office helping you. Or their RV”
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