Our Detour To Pennsylvania

On our way to the west coast from Niagra Falls, we decided to take a six-hour detour and visit Pensylvania. It all started when Justin wanted to give back to a creator on YouTube. Someone he has had the urge to meet, Cody Wanner. We unanimously decided to drive the six hours to Pennsylvania and get Cody a One Wheel. If you aren’t familiar with what those are, they are boards with one wheel in the center and runs electrically when you pivot your feet. Once we reached Harrisburg PV we stayed in an RV park called East Harrisburg Campground. It was nice, close to the places we wanted to be and had friendly staff as well.
Reaching Out To A New Friend
Justin’s excitement for this trip had to be the happiest thing to me. We not only were going to a new state again, we were getting the chance to meet other “creators” who share a passion to create content for people. That’s one of the best parts about RVing or traveling in general, you get the chance to meet more people!
Arriving in Harrisburg PV, we met up with Cody who is the mind behind #NoSmallCreator. No small creator means that there is no such thing as a small creator because creating in and of itself is so big. With this idea out in the open Justin wanted to give something back to the person who has been supportive of creators everywhere.
Shortly after he wrecked the One Wheel, but he’s okay.
To My Fellow Creators
Blogging about our lives has been a great learning experience for us. Not only do we get to look back on our adventures from previous trips, we get to share these moments with others. There are many different genres of video blogging and we had the opportunity in Pensylvania to meet all kinds of creators who share their different types of lifestyles on Youtube and Facebook. Justin and I were only planning on seeing Cody but we are so grateful for the experience to meet everyone who showed up. I’m so excited to see how things turn out for everyone.
This idea for no small creators means the world to people. I see that idea in Open Road Chronicles too. When I look for stories to share on our blog I never look at how many followers or subscribers someone has. It’s the story, the adventures, the aha moment for the reader to say “wow if they can do it, so can I”. So, for all those creators out there, keep on making content for viewers, because you never know who’s life you will change by making it.
Here are some videos from creators who attended the event:
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