In Need Of A Good Adventure: Megan and Brian

In the summer of 2016, we got the idea to travel full-time. At first, it was about fun, family time, seeing things and exploring. It also was beneficial for Brian’s work, he’s in sales and getting into new areas on a regular basis meant more opportunities! However, when we found out we were pregnant with our third child, we had to let go of that dream. But, after our son was born we realized that we still very much desired to do it – and this time it also came with the desire to simplify and live life with more meaning, being more intentional with how we spend our time and honestly leaving our somewhat materialistic/superficial mindset behind. The busyness and chaos that comes in today’s society just became too much, we wanted our lives to have a deeper meaning.
Our Toy Hauler And Truck
When we chose our RV we went with a 2011 Keystone Raptor this particular fifth-wheel has an incredible amount of living room floor space, though everything is accessible when the slides are in, the back room (the garage) was easily converted to a bunkroom for our kiddos! Oh, and washer/dryer hook up was a must!
Finding A Connection Away From Home
Before full-time traveling we loved your typical life, chasing the “American dream”. We lived in a nice neighborhood, 3,700 square foot house, great school, dance class, soccer… standard life. I, Megan have always been a stay at home mom and Brian worked in sales, he continues to work in sales on the road… which I mentioned above! We wanted to spend a year with each other on the road and make some memories.
We Found Some Interesting Wild Life
As we were waiting for some snow to clear out in Utah we stayed in a little RV park in Parker Dam, California. The campground was overrun by Burros. They drove most of the locals crazy, but we found it to be so entertaining! They hung out with us at our campfires, let us pet them and it was just such a cool experience to be surrounded by wild burros! We miss them to this day!
Oh The Weather Outside Is Frightful
On our way back to Texas from our first long trip to Virginia, we got stuck in basically a blizzard! We planned on staying one night at a campground and in hopes to not get stuck there, we decided to push through the snow storm and just wing it. It was a freezing, 19 degrees out and we pulled into the Walmart parking lot in about a foot of snow! We didn’t realize our furnace ran off the battery and spent a night in FREEZING temperatures. My shivering shook the entire rig. Later when we found out the battery was enough to run the furnace, all we could do was laugh at ourselves. Lesson learned.
Kids Make Everything An Adventure
If we lived full time in our RV with 3 kids (ages 9,6,1), then so can you! Kids just adapt so well and their imagination allows even the challenges to become an adventure. We are so glad we took the time to travel with our kids while they are young! We made so many precious memories and they have learned so many valuable lessons along the way.
Renovations Are So Fun In An RV
YouTube is a life saver. RV living will always come with challenges, no matter if you buy older or newer. For us, buying older and renovating it to create a space for our family to feel more at home was the absolute best choice! It showed us what we can do if we just put our minds to it, and was just fun! I think it became an addiction, we just couldn’t stop making changes and being creative with our space.
On To Our Next Big Adventure
We chose to travel full-time for a year and that’s exactly what we did. We recently just sold our rig/truck and decided to settle in Colorado! Right now we are renting a house (which took some getting used to, for sure!) and plan to build after exploring different cities here. We were originally from Texas, but after traveling and experiencing different places, it just didn’t feel like home anymore. We are happy to say Colorado will be our place to call home!
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